Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 9: Mashed potatoes and Vitamin water

Day 9: Mashed Potatoes and Vitamin Water
Pain- 6/10
My special mouthwash. 

Good morning! The time is 1:30am. I just woke up from a nap. From this surgery I have learned to take naps when I feel the least bit tired because it hurts immensely to yawn. I guess it’s a good thing. Before this surgery I had a lot of trouble falling asleep. Problem solved!
Today was pretty boring. My Granny and Gramps came over. They brought me mashed potatoes from Wawa and some XXX Vitamin Water. The mashed potatoes were absolutely delicious! It was great having something besides broth and smoothies.
Tomorrow is super bowl Sunday. I don’t really care about the super bowl. But my dad always makes a bunch of food and we relax and watch it. I watch it for the commercials and the half time show. I was in marching band for 6 years. Never missed a high school football game and I still don’t get the game. All I know is that when they run across the end zone I had to play Mr. Touchdown USA. And when they kicked it in the goal I had to play Washington Lee Swing. I am a true music nerd.
On an exciting note, I can almost drink through a straw! It is very difficult and tiring. It really is amazing how much work it takes to do simple things like chewing or drinking through a straw. So the next time you are doing one of these actions think twice about.
My pain today is about the same as yesterday. I am trying not to move my mouth too much. My surgeon advised me to do so. And I have been lying with warm washcloths on my jaw all night. 3 days until I see my surgeon. I hope he can help loosen my jaw.
I also have noticed that my cheek keeps getting caught with the wire in the back of my mouth. For those who don’t have braces there is a wire that goes through the bracket on the very last tooth. Normally the orthodontist asks if it feels good when you’re in the office. They could really do that because I am still numb and I can’t open my mouth up wide enough for them to feel it for me. It doesn’t hurt. It’s just annoying.
So a few years ago I lost my Nanny to Cancer. She lived with us and my one cat, Voodoo, would always be there by her side. He even got my mom one time because Nanny fell. Well, Voodoo hasn’t left me alone the past 2 days. I love him and all. But he take sup my whole bed. I wouldn’t mind of he was a normal size cat. But Voodoo is huge. Like 20 pounds huge. Big kitty. 

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