Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 13: Hanging stitches

Face is still uneven.

Day 13: Hanging stitches
Jaw Pain- 6/10
Headache- 7/10

I will start out today’s post with some exciting news. My dad made breakfast for dinner. So I was able to eat what everyone else was eating, scrambled eggs and cream chipped beef. Oh course I only ate the cream part of that. But I stilled looked like a normal human at the dinner table! Kinda…

I got absolutely no sleep last night. And I had class at 10am this morning. It was my first day back in class since surgery. It was quite interesting because I am not allowed to look down yet. My surgeon told me to keep my head up at all times. So I used a music stand as my desk. I am behind in that class too. I plan to spend my lunch every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with my professor for extra help. At least it’s a class I really enjoy.

My pain today is still here. My headache hasn’t gotten any better. And my jaw feels extra tight today. My stitches are also beginning to come out. I actually had to cut one shorter today. Well, my mom did. I was too afraid to. It kept popping out of my mouth every time I would try and talk. It was really annoying. My jaw is also starting to have spasms on the left side. They are not cool at all.

I am adding Crepes to my list of foods that I want after surgery.

Earlier today I went and saw my friends’ performance. It was awesome. Makes really realize how much I truly appreciate music.

Well, I am hitting the hay early tonight. Sorry these blogs are getting boring. I think I am going to switch to every other day. More excitement that way. 

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