Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 3-6: It's getting tingly

Day 6: SMILE! 
Day 3-6: It’s getting tingly

The past few days have been brutal. But again, this is temporary and I know it is all for the better. My surgeon said swelling peaks at 72 hours. That was not true for me. My swelling peaked at 96 hours. I noticed my swelling isn’t nearly as bad as the other people who get to partake on this awesome adventure. I am very thankful for that.
Earlier this week I tried scrabbled eggs. That didn’t go well. I am using my tongue and rubbing it at the roof of my mouth to much the eggs. It took me about 2 hours to eat them. But it tasted much better than soup. I also spent over an hour in the bathroom trying to shower and brush my teeth. The inside of my mouth just tastes gross. I am convinced something crawled in my mouth and died while I was sleeping. Sounds gross? It is.
I am still completely numb on the right side of my face. As for the left, I am starting to feel something. I had a few tingly sensations while I was rinsing my mouth out the other day. I also was trying to smile. The left side of my mouth kept quivering. It was interesting. That just means I am getting feeling back! WOO! 

Here is my mug shots for the past few days.

Day 3: Say hello to the creepiest smile ever
Day 4: Scrambled egg attempt
Day 5: A day of relaxation


  1. hey melissa: i have he same picture of "G" cheeks that look just like the first pic on here.... its a family trait!! Love you and glad you are doing better!!! PROUD OF YOU

  2. Haha! It's a family trait to have swollen cheeks after surgery? Or are you saying my cheeks are going to stay this way?? I'm just kidding. The swelling is really dissipating. Now if my right side would even out with the left, that would be great.
