Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 7: What a great day
Pain- 5/10
This is my trombone. His name is Herbert.
I cant wait to get back to playing! 
I slept in my own bed last night. And I woke up to my mom giving me the phone. It was the advising lady from my school. Her name is Patricia. She is the sweetest person I have ever met. She called to see how I was doing. And she told me my trombone teacher just had surgery.
“Everyone here is thinking and praying for you! Our two best low brass players are in recovery. We need to get you guys back in shape!”
Boy did I feel special after that phone call. The good news is that I get to go back to school on Monday. Thank goodness! My boredom will be over soon!
I also saw my surgeon today. I walked in the waiting room and everyone is awkwardly spread out. You know how there is an empty seat in between every single person? I had to pick to sit next to someone. So I choose the nicely dressed man in the suit. I was sitting there minding my own business. And I hear him chuckle. I am playing temple run and he is playing on his iPad. So I started talking to him. Then the nurse calls me back and laughs at me. Apparently that man was their representative. I knew he was important!
I got x-rays and I saw my surgeon. He gave me a big hug and checked out my mouth. I open my mouth and his first reaction is, “Sweet!” Then I got to see my x-rays. They look wicked! I have 4 titanium plates and 20 screws. I have officially started my life as a cyborg! My surgeon also gave me permission to start very VERY light chewing. It was an overall great appointment!
Later that night I tried to eat raviolis. That didn’t end so well… I felt something cracking in my mouth. So I stopped and decided to eat some soup. I think I am going to hold off on chewing.
As for my pain, it is still there. My head is pounding right in between my eyes. It is very sore where the stitches are. And the right side of my jaw is very tight. The ice is helping everything but my jaw joint. But my pain isn’t going to bring me down. I had a great day! 

My X-rays!

My life as a cyborg.


  1. I love Herbert! The sound that comes out is amazing! You'll play again I promise
