Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 1: Going home

Like my head wrap? Awesome right!?

I slept on and off all night. And I felt really bad for my nurses. I needed their assistance every hour so I could use the bathroom due to all the liquids they were running through me. But I needed to stay hydrated.
Around 9am my nurse brought me some food. I had chicken broth, apple juice, water ice, and green jello. I tried to have some juice and I spilled it all over me since I am numb from under my eyes down to my lip. I can’t open my mouth for jello, which was quite upsetting. Green is my favorite jello.  So I had some of the broth. And I fell asleep while eating it.
Around 2:30 my surgeon came in and cut off my head wrap I was wearing. He told me I could go home in a few hours. Then he told me I will be on a liquid diet, I can’t blow my nose, and I should keep my head up to prevent bleeding. He also said I will be back to playing my trombone before I know it!
My nose is stuffed, my throat hurts, and I have a killer sinus headache. As for my jaw, it is very sore. I was also very thirsty. Since I couldn't drink through a cup my mother had to drip water into my mouth using a spoon. Thanks Mom! <3  But I need to keep in mind that this is temporary.

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