Saturday, March 3, 2012

Day 35: What's next?

Day 35: What’s next?

Headache- 6/10
Jaw pain- 4/10
Yup! I got colors this time! Might
as well enjoy it! :)
(look at all the elastics)

Saw my orthodontist yesterday. He said I am still swollen, but my bite is really coming along. My teeth aren’t touching so I got some new hooks in my mouth. I have to wear my elastics in the shape of triangles. I have two upside-down triangles in the back of my mouth. That will bring my back teeth together. I also have two upright triangles in the front of my mouth. That will bring my front teeth together. My orthodontist said he wishes all his patients would listen and follow the rules like I do. When I am all done he wants my picture on his wall in his office. I feel honored.
 I have been very bored. I am not like most Americans. I can’t sit down all day and watch television or play video games. I have to be moving. So I decided to go outside and play some soccer. I love dribbling the ball around. Well, it was kind of muddy and getting dark. I slid and tumbled. My left ankle got caught under my right led while my body was sliding in the mud. I lied in the grass for a few seconds, and then I tried to move. I couldn’t get up. It was so painful. It’s a good thing I had my cell phone because my dad was out there to help me within 30 seconds of our call. I went to the emergency room and got some x-rays. I didn’t break anything, thankfully! But I did badly sprain my ankle. Apparently sprains are worse pain wise. And they take longer to heal because you are dealing with muscle. I get a fancy splint and cool crutches! If the pain doesn’t go away in 4-5 days I need to go a specialist. I might have torn a ligament or something. It never ends! No chewing, no walking, what’s next?
My headache is still there. It isn’t going away. And if I sneeze, my day is ruined. That’s where most of my pain comes from. I had to do a half day at school this week because I sneezed. I think my body is starting to hate me.
Great news! My surgeon told me I can start lightly playing my trombone! It makes me very happy that he said so. I was afraid when he said that. My bone isn’t fused together yet and I can’t chew. How can I play? So I called one of my teachers and told him how I felt. He told me to wait until I am 6 weeks. And if my body feels good enough I can try. He even gave me an assignment. I am being very cautious about this. I am so worried I am going to hurt myself.
Oh yeah, my orthodontist said my swelling should be almost all gone within the next 4 weeks! I can’t wait until this is all over and done with!

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